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Hong Kong



The Voxmania is an ensemble group for the enthusiastic choristers to share their passion of singing choral music. Founded in 2013, Voxmania is composed of 8-12 members. With this simple structure, we can attain a good voice balance and hence it is a bit different from other choirs. Voxmania performs a wide repertoire, including hymns, madrigals, folk songs, contemporary choral music and pop songs etc.


With an aim to share our devotion to music, we are much obliged to have performed in different occasions, like Christmas Caroling in churches, shopping centres and hotels, joint performance with other music societies, charity shows and roadshow performances. We can also prepare tailor-made performances which cater for your particular needs. If you are interested to know more about us, please feel free to contact us via We look forward to hearing from you!



聲薈於2013 年成立,目的是為合唱音樂愛好者提供一個交流及演出的平台。聲薈的規模有別於其他合唱團,一直只有8至12位成員,希望藉此能使各聲部更細緻地融合。聲薈演出的曲目類型眾多,包括聖樂、牧歌、民歌、近代合唱音樂及流行曲等等。聲薈致力分享合唱音樂,曾於不同場合演出,例如在教堂、商場及酒店報佳音、與其他音樂組織合辦音樂會、在慈善晚會獻唱以及作街頭表演。我們亦可按你的需要及喜好為你演出。如果你有興趣了解聲薈更多,歡迎隨時透過電郵 voxmaniahk@gmail.com聯絡我們。希望能收到你的來信!




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